Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Who can be saved? Romans 10:13

Romans 10:13 says whoever calls upon the name of the Lord will be saved. The first is that whoever calls upon the Lord can be saved. Who does whoever includes? It includes everyone, from the vilest lowest criminal to the sweetest grandmother. Basically all men are the same, anything good comes from God. The only difference between Billy Graham and Hitler is Jesus Christ. Hitler killed over seven million people during WW2, Jim Jones Who led over 900 Americans in a mass suicide, but these men as vile as they were if they had called on the name of the Lord and repented would have been just as saved as anyone in this room. Let’s say there’s a man who kills everyone in your family but you, your mother, your father, your son’s daughters, husbands and wives. Imagine the vilest person possible. If they call upon the Lord, and repent of their sins they would be saved just as saved as you and me.

What makes all this possible? Romans 10:13

Jesus makes our salvation possible. Acts 4:12. Romans 10:13 says that whoever calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. So what is so great about the name of Jesus? As I’ve said, Men are filthy sinners who deserve to go to Hell and be separated from God forever. However, God became man a man and was born in a stable in Bethlehem. Jesus grew up impressing even the priest with his infinite Knowledge of God. Jesus lived a perfect life, in which he loved, taught, and healed. Then, the people that he had spent so long with, the people that knew him saw him grow up, and perform miracles, these same people that he spent his life loving teaching and healing betrayed him. His best friends betrayed him. They mocked him; they beat him, and finally nailed him to a tree. After all that they continued to mock him, they stabbed him with a spear. Christ was hung on that cross to pay for our sins, the Bible says he became sin, our sin, you, I, we hung him on that cross. That had to have been the worst part because he became our sin, the only thing he could really count on had to turn away from him, his father had to turn his back on him, and his father couldn’t look at him because of our sin that he was carrying. And after all that, after we hung him on that cross, what did he say? After all they did to him Jesus said “Father forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” Jesus died so that we could live.

What are the results of calling on the Lord? Romans 10:13

The result of calling on the Lord is salvation. After we called out to God, repented of our sins and were saved, we became slaves or servants to Christ. When you call out to God it’s like your signing a contract agreeing to give him your life in exchange for saving it. Paul and Peter acknowledged this when they call themselves slaves or bondservants at the beginning of Romans and 2nd Peter. Some other things that happen as a result of salvation are: we’re saved from condemnation, we go to heaven to be with Jesus, we have absolute joy, we’re a new creature, your desires change and become more God centered, your treasures change, Jesus is magnified in your life, your made alive in Christ, no longer a slave to sin, you have someone to bear your burdens, and an advocate to the father, or someone to go to him on your behalf.

How are we saved

Romans 10:13 says whoever calls upon the Lord shall be saved. The second thing we see is how we are saved. We are saved by calling. Now obviously I don’t mean calling on a phone, but I mean to cry out to God. Now the question that comes to mind is why call? We call or cry out to proclaim with humility our need for God, which glorifies him. However, we must be careful merely mouthing Jesus is Lord and Proclaiming that he raised from the dead or walking an aisle and being baptized, or trying to be a good person won’t save anyone. Satan can and will declare that Jesus is Lord, but that won’t save him. Salvation comes from a heartfelt confession of Jesus’ Lordship and designates a lifelong commitment that comes from the heart. What matters is not saying Jesus is Lord, but really believing it and making him the Lord of your life at the core of your existence.

Common Grace

Men are born sinners through Adam, Psalm 51:1, and the punishment for sin is death Rom 6:23. Common Grace is the time people spend on earth and away from Hell. Common grace is also the limited love and happiness men experience on earth. Now, let me say this, the love and happiness lost people experience is nowhere near as great as the love and happiness a Christian finds in Christ. Common Grace is experienced by both lost people and Christians, Hence the term Common Grace. Common Grace will not save anyone! The only way to be saved is through Jesus Christ. Some more examples of common Grace are great intellect and understanding, artistic, musical, and athletic abilities. Moral restraint is also an example of Common Grace. God by Common Grace keeps his hand on most people and stops them from being as evil as they could be. The only good people do come from God, from the missionary who gives up everything for their savior, to the boy who comes to church even though his family doesn’t. Another example of Common Grace is the beauty of the natural world. By the grace of God we get to experience the beauty of flowers, rivers, oceans, land forms, and outer space. God’s Common Grace is also evident in the different organizations, and governments he’s created. The Lord does this to help keep evil in check.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Limited VS. General Redemption

Was the death of Jesus intended to secure salvation for a limited number of people or for everyone. The view that says Christ died for a limited number of people or the elect is known as limited redemption or limited atonement. This view is supported throughout the book of Romans. Another way to support this view is to say that Gods plan cannot be frustrated or screwed up by humans, therefore if God wanted all to be saved by Christ all would be. Secondly to say that Christ died for everyone leads to universalism. Third Christ did not die to make salvation possible but to actually save. I completely agree with every aspect of limited redemption, but I was thinking about it a few weeks ago and I decided I might agree with this view I don't like it. If this is true then family members and loved ones could be destined for Hell and no amount of witnessing or prayer can help them. The doctrine of general redemption argues that Christ death was designed to include all human kind regardless of whether all believe. God loved them and Christ died for them; they are lost because they refuse to accept the salvation sincerely offered to them in Christ. Those who hold to this view point out that it is the historical view of the church and that there are a vast many theologians, reformers, and evangelist who hold to this view. Is it likely that the overwhelming majority of Christians could have misunderstood the holy spirit on such an important point. General redemption is greatly supported by John 3:16. Other scripture that support this view are Isiah 53:6, 1 John2:2, and 1timothy2:1-6, 4:10. The bible teaches that Christ died for sinners Rom 5:6-8, 1 Tim 1:15. The word sinner nowhere means church or the elect its all of lost humanity. Finally God sincerely offers the gospel to everyone to believe not just the elect. How could this be true if Christ did not actually die for everyone? God would know that some people could never be saved because he did not allow Christ to pay for their sins. If you have any comments after reading I would love to read them.
Thanks For Reading

Friday, July 24, 2009

Are our Mates Chosen?

Ok so we teens are notorious for falling in and out of "Love", and finding "the one" every other week right?. So is there acually a one, someone God has picked out for us? Some believe there is, others believe that we're suppose to use the fruits of the spirit and other traits found in the bible to help us find a Godly man or women worth pursuing. And i soppose both could be true. Acually i'm not sure where I stand on the subject. On the one hand if there is one person what if we srew it up, then the one God chosen for us would be lost to us forever. On the other hand man cannot screw up God's plan, just ask Jonah. I think i'm starting to lean towards the God chosen man/woman. Are God is a personal God and he would know who would be best for us. On the other hand maybe God wants us to have the freedom to choose. But I guess in the end God knows who we're going to end up with and if we seek his will it will be the right person. If you have read this please feel free to leave a comment and let me have your oppinion on the matter.

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